Dean McArthur

An Intentional Kitchen Remodel

Although there are about a million different parts of this reno I would love to show you, today I’ll be focusing on the kitchen remodel. This space had a fabulous transformation and I know you’ll be swooning over all the details! To get started, lets look at a before picture of the space… As you […]

Taking the 70’s back

Imagine finding the perfect piece of land in the most ideal location, BUT the house it comes with is totally dated? For some this would be far too overwhelming to purchase but for others this sounds like an epic opportunity! Luckily our clients fell on the “epic opportunity side” and called us in to do […]

4 Reasons You Should Use a RenoMark Renovator


Tackling a large renovation is exciting! You get to modify your home into the vision that you see, adding functionality for your family and value along the way.  But it’s also a significant undertaking – the success relies on the skills, expertise, reliability, communication, and so much more of the builder hired for the job. […]

What to Expect: Paint/Drywall

Whether you’re building a custom home or renovating your existing home, it’s important for expectations to be clear upfront to avoid disappointment or disagreements throughout the process.  When your project is completed, you want everything to be perfect. One of the things that gets scrutinized the most is the quality of the paint (which can […]

Leveraging Technology to Enhance Your Custom Home Building Experience

Leverage Technology to Enhance Your Custom Home Building Experience In the last five years, technology has revolutionized the residential construction industry, providing an enhanced building experience for homeowners, builders, and tradespeople. As we await the emergence of new AI-driven technologies in the next 5-10 years, it’s essential to utilize existing technologies to their fullest potential. […]

New Home Warranty: What To Expect

New Home Warranty: What To Expect.

New home warranty is pretty standard around Saskatoon these days. But there are still quite a bit of gray areas when it comes to what is covered and what isn’t. New home warranty typically provides coverage for certain components of a newly built home,protecting you against defects and issues that may arise after you move […]

Spring Home Maintenance

Spring Home Maintenance.

There’s nothing better than that spring feeling in Saskatchewan! The sun feels warmer, the days are longer and the grass starts getting greener. The kids start playing outside more, outdoor sports begin and spring cleaning is on our mind. Make sure that part of your spring routine is general home maintenance! We’ve made it easy […]

Be Confident Before You Renovate

Kaitlyn Blair, interior designer

It’s been a busy month working on our newest service, Design For Your DIY. As I’ve been creating and designing these spaces, I’ve found even more joy in the process than I expected. What makes this service so fulfilling for me is the peace of mind it brings to clients who are diving headfirst into […]

The Client Experience Defined

Customer Experience Defined. Completed Interior by Spruce Homes

The client experience defined: a term that is thrown around across all different industries but very vague.  It’s a term that is highly subjective and can mean different things to different people in different industries.  The client experience is something that we put a lot of emphasis on.  One of the main differences you will […]

Why Building Bigger Isn’t Better

Building Bigger Isn't Better. Well designed kitchen

Is building bigger necessarily better?  I think we would all agree, not necessarily. Let’s admit it – we all have some sort of “keeping up with the Jones’” complex within us.  And that complex can sometimes come out when we are designing our custom home. Building a large house is not a bad thing (at all) […]

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